Wise people once said that spam should be blocked because it is annoying and can place virus' on computers. I could not agree more. However there are some times when a spam may be dead before it can even begin its life due to an antivirus program such as Norton antivirus, and I'm sure that spam is sad...
Spams will not soon be forgotten. Rather, new ones will continue on in the never-ending fight for virus' computer domination. But it is necessary to reflect upon those spams which never received the chance to fight as they were too weak and obvious, and were caught by Norton. We pray that a time may come when spam is no longer lost (just no longer created), but alas, such a time may never come. In the meantime, we must take every opportunity to show the world that some of the worst setbacks bring out the best antivirus companies.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, "MitziTiffani" (and all the other names I go by), author of Through the Eyes of a Dreamer, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the fact that I write this blog, and do not create spam, do hereby proclaim the ninth day of June 2006 and all years thereafter as International Spam Remembrance Day ©. I ask that bloggers around the world mark this unofficial holiday with joy for the antivirus companies and our computers, and solemnity for the poor spam that ceases to exist (wouldn't you be sad if you ceased to exist), as well as with appropriate observances and activities, should they chose to do so. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of this blog the second.
"MitziTiffani" (and all the other names I go by)
Ew. Who wants to remember spam?!?
Not to mention that that's a totally blatant rip-off of my proclamation, which in turn, was a rip-off of all the President's proclamations. Oh, well.
But I don't care, although my choir director might not want a "spam-holiday" on her birthday every year. Especially since she's related to an official at your school. Tee-hee.
And you ask us to "mark this unofficial holiday with joy for the antivirus companies...and solemnity for the poor spam that ceases to exist." What kind of holiday asks us to take both sides?
Nevertheless, I shall observe it...somehow ("with appropriate observances and activities," I guess).
On second thought, do your own work. A whole 58% of this is directly plagiarized from my proclamation, only 23% of which was taken from the President's proclamations, and that was just to keep the "formalized" format.
I spent a lot of time on that post, and I don't really appreciate this. If you'd like to go back, using the President as your own model and not me, I might be a little more happy.
Until then, I remain a conscientious objector to your holiday.
The end.
jeez tj. she didn't take the time to write her own cause she was 1. making fun of you and 2. trying to make me feel better than my blog has been claimed a spam blog. she isn't being serious.
laurel's a poser!
Indeed. I don't appreciate being made fun of.
#> stop anti-spam
Unable to complete command, anti-spam has been deemed a vital portion of national security. Your attempt to compromise the very core of this great nation has been logged, and passed onto the Department of Homeland Security.
#> apt-get uninstall anti-spam
Unable to complete command, anti-spam has been deemed a vital portion of national security. Your attempt to compromise the very core of this great nation has been logged, and passed onto the Department of Homeland Security.
#> kill -9 anti-spam PID 0704
Unable to complete command, due to national security laying its life on the line for you, this command has rebouded upon the typer.
Abort, Retry, Fail?
Correct mistakes from above, caught too late unfortunently:
incorrect: apt-get uninstall anti-spam
correct: apt-get remove anti-spam
incorrect: rebouded
correct: rebounded
and for anyone nit-picky, the "kill -9" command would just have "kill -9 0704" not the "anti-spam PID"
TJ its not that I was attempting to make fun of you! Truthfully I was talking to Andrea, and if you look at her site you will see the comment I made to her that made me think of this idea, and I liked the format that you used for yours, I am not attempting to make fun of your idea, i'm commending the format and thus using it for my absurd idea! And Bob, that was freaky!
Luv ya all!
Meh, I guess since you were so nice about it, I'll let it slide this time.
But please, don't do this in the future without asking first. It will save us both a lot of unnecessary headache and frustration with each other.
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