Sunday, April 30, 2006

30 Hour Famine

As you all probably know, assuming you read my previous post "Fasting with World Vision", on April 28, at 7 a.m. to April 29 at 1 a.m. I ate absolutely nothing. I drank only water and juice. While I was fasting I attended a lock-in at a church in the Penn-Hills, with their youth group and my youth group. We played games, sang, praised the Lord, slept, and talked to distract us from our hunger pangs. One really fun thing that we did was we had a bonfire. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone under the stars, we had lots of fun and one of my friends, Lisa, and I now have a lot of inside jokes from the time. (Tenish, Tenish...TENIS!)

At noon on the 29th we went to help wash tables at a Penn-Hills school and then we ate lunch. It was nice to be able to eat again. After eating we went into the Gym and there was lots of dancing and a raffle that the two youth groups and many people from the community participated in.

After the dancing and raffle a speaker came to talk to us. He was an amazing speaker. He talked to us about lots of things one being the three 'F's

  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Faith

When he talked about family he said that everyone needs some form of a family. He talked about having good relationships with your parents, and obeying them. He said it really is amazing how much easier things become when you obey your parents.

When he talked about Friends he said that if your friends are mean to you, or if they are the ones that make the most fun of you than they aren't really good friends. Even if it is in jest.

When he talked about Faith he said that everyone should believe something and that believing in God can really make your life easier because then you know that no matter what happens at least God will still care about you.

Overall the 30 Hour Famine was a very memorable and worthwhile experience. On top of all the fun I had at the lock-in I was sponsored for $140. I would like to thank everyone that donated.

Luv ya all!


Tim Parenti said...


Anonymous said...

I wish I could've trip. Ugh. Say hi to Chris for me if you see him before I do. See you Sunday, or maybe in school before then. Who knows? :)