Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fasting with World Vision

World Vision is a Christian organization that provides relief to people all over the world. They are dedicated to helping and showing God's unconditional love. I am about to participate in a 30 hour famine. I will not be eating for 30 hours! According to World Vision: The average healthy person is able to go without food for 30 hours without any ill effects. But many children around the world are starving and are going off af very little to no food for way more than 30 hours. While I am fasting I would like to ask anyone interested to sponsor me.

1 dollar alone will feed and care for a child for one day!

30 dollars will feed and care for a child for a month!

360 dollars will feed and care for a child for a whole year!

If you can and are able to help my cause please contact me, either by leaving a comment on this site, emailing me at or if you see me at school. There is no maximum or minimum to how much you can give to sponsor.

Here are some more facts about World Hunger:

  • 29,000 children die every day, most from hunger or preventable diesease.
  • Every three seconds a child dies from hunger, poverty and diesease.
  • 1 in every 5 children die before their 5th birthday
  • 1.2 billion people live on less than $1 a day

By the way, all donations towards this cause are tax deductible

Luv ya all!

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