Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Well Isn't That Wonderful!

I woke up this morning at 6 am, I hurried to get ready for the day. After a quick breakfast my step-dad drove me to a tennis match I was playing in. I was filling in on a team for their number two player (These teams consist of 3 people) The number 1 player on the team that I was filling in on failed to show up so I ended up filling in as the number 1 player. I crushed the girl I played 6-1 and now I have her spot on the challenge ladder (the challenge ladder is a chart showing how good everyone is from the moment they start playing singles matches to the end of 12th grade there are between 180-200 people on the ladder. I was number 120 now that I won I am 83). That was the good part of the day, next I went home took a quick shower and hurried to my chiropractic appointment. I go to the chiropractors three days a week, all three days I am in rehab, two of those days I also get adjusted. Today was my rehab only day. Rehab consists of five minutes on a treadmill while a heat-pack is on my neck, twenty pushups, and about forty five minutes worth of excercises for my shoulders and arms. After the chiropractor I went home, had lunch, and then it was off to babysitting, I babysit for several mothers while they play tennis at MT. Lebo. So I babysat from 1-2:30. Then I rushed home changed back into tennis clothes and went to the lesson from heck. 3:30-6 in that time we ran 4 laps around 6 courts, did 76 push-ups (which i was reprimanded on because I did them the way my chiropractor showed me to do them and not the way that most people do them.) and we played several useless games which taught me nothing. Then exhausted, frustrated, annoyed, upset, and in pain I went home for dinner, and now I sit here telling you about how my day turned from good to thank-goodness-it's-over just like that. Well isn't that wonderful! I think not.

Luv ya all!

1 comment:

Tim Parenti said...

Aw, you poor thing!

Congrats on #83, though!