So, as you all should know my birthday is coming up relatively shortly. February 9th. I wasn't sure how I was going to celebrate my birthday. I was going to hang out with friends the night before and then there is a family party that is really celebrating baby Meredith's 1st birthday, and that party is on my birthday so we were going to do a double...but that party might go on without me.
I have been invited to an event at MSU called "Alumni Distinguished Scholarship" It is a weekened event/competition.
The only time available was the weekend of the 8th/9th.
So on Thursday the 7th my dad and I will travel up to MSU, I'll miss school on the 8th as I tour MSU campus and take a few seminars on MSU. On Friday they will also draw 3 scholarships for a small amount of money I think $100 each.
Then on birthday...i'll be put in a big room and handed a test...that I will be taking for 3 hours. I am taking a 3 hour test on my birthday...
The good news is that the test is multiple choice and they are giving a lot of scholarships
15 full scholarships
along with many others
So I may receive a lot of money on my birthday...or I may go home no better off than before.
Now the real question is do I keep my birthday tradition. Last year on my birthday I wore my tiara all day. Should I bring my tiara and wear it all day? I'm not sure whether thats a good move or not? I need feedback
I think the prospect of earning (through your own hard work) money for college is a great way to spend your birthday!
As for the tiara, since it makes you happy, you should wear it when you wake up and maybe on your way to the event, but not during testing. You don't want all the other students thinking you feel you are the queen of tests, even though that is not what you would be thinking anyway. You just don't want to make wrong first impressions. Then when the tests are over and you're on your way out to celebrate, slap that tiara back on!
Agreed! Have a great birthday in Michigan!
swwct - What earning a full ride would be.
I think Bev has the right idea. Other things you will leave behind in college: Your National Honor Society pin (every one will have one), your varsity (high school) jacket, and probably your high school class ring.(If you have any of these). You'll be moving on. Enjoy :)
Grandpa B.
I cannot believe you will be missing Meredith's 1st birthday; however, if I were you, I would miss it as well! Good luck on the test, I am sure you will do great! I agree with Bev; skip the tiara during testing...
I think the tiara's a great idea. Pretty much yeah. haha. again, not during testing, but seriously, wear it during your birthday!
I agree with Bev and everyone else the tiara isn't an appropriate thing for a public that doesn't know that its your birthday. The last thing you want is to be branded a weirdo before college even starts.
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