Monday, January 14, 2008

New Years Resolutions Revisited

Coffee Counting:
I am obviously still counting my cups of coffee, you can see on the sidebar how many cups I've had this year, what kind and what day. I will change the setup in February only to include how many cups of each type of drink I have enjoyed per month.
As I had predicted, with the number of hugs I have been giving people it is becoming increasingly difficult to count, therefore I have reduced the number of people I am counting to only one person. Brandon Rauch has the honor of being continually counted each time I hug him. He seems to find this fun, because he has begun to say a number each time we hug, and it happens to always be the correct number of times we hug haha. (As of today Brandon and I have hugged 12 times). But in general I do think I've been hugging people more. Particularly my younger sisters. I'm going to miss them when I go to college and I know they will miss me so we are taking advantage of the time we have now I suppose.
Size and Shape:
Eh, don't ask, I'll get there eventually.
I've been attempting to become more organized. I have placed all correspondence from MSU in a folder so I won't lose it in case I should need a certain letter that I have received. I am also writing in my planner more so I know when I need to turn things in and when I need to work and things like that.
Don't Procrastinate:
Hmmm, well, I have sorta been procrastinating on some things. I turned my FAFSA form in early. My English paper is a completely different story. I didn't go to school today because I don't feel well, so I'll work on the english paper today, hopefully I'll finish it before Monday the 21st, which is the day before it is due.
I have been attempting to look cuter, and most days I think I succeed. I've done my hair a few more days than usual and I bought a new purse and a new outfit when I went shopping with Andrea.
Anyways, that was all for my Resolutions. I think all-in-all I'm doing rather well. I could certainly be doing better but it is only January, these goals are for the entire year.

Love Because You Are Loved

1 comment:

Tim Parenti said...

What about the cups of coffee you haven't enjoyed? ;)