Friday, January 04, 2008

Break Up Number 2

I broke up with Jaime, I don't care to explain all the reasons, they are long and require much tedious explanation. Breakups make me sad and emotionally drain I don't really have the energy to say much. I wish I could skip school so I wouldn't have to face that along with my emotional drainage at the moment. He's worse of than I at the moment, but either way...
So I'm single, no longer dating a 24 year old. All my relatives will probably sigh with relief...

Love...Sweet Sorrow


Lexi Elizabeth said...

not to mention friends. and no, i'm not the only one who didn't like the relationship. but i'm sorry you had to deal with another breakup. they say third time's a charm?

Tim Parenti said...

I must admit, there was a tiny sigh, as I no longer have to be worried about things. But still, that is rough. I wish I could bring you up here to get it off your mind with a birthday celebration, but we'll just have to get together in Pittsburgh at some point.

Tim Parenti said...

Two more things:

I saw your "coffee count," and you may want to keep track of when the count was last updated as well... it'll make it easier to keep track after you've forgotten whether or not you counted that cup last Tuesday or not.

You'll want to change the "status" in your blog description from "dating the most amazing guy ever" to something more accurate now.

So sorry, but hoping you get through this okay.

Miles C. said...

She doesn't need to change it 'cause she's dating him again.

Awwww...ain't they cute?

Tim Parenti said...

I suppose you two are cute, though I've never seen "him." I often feel a bit of pity for people who, for whatever reason, get caught up in on-again-off-again relationships, especially with such a latency period as short as ~48 hours. But you're my cousin, and while I may not always agree with your decisions, I'll always support them, short of something along the lines of you deciding to jump off a bridge, because that's just plain stupid in almost all cases.

x said...

well hey, in honor of single's appreciation...we should do something fun. do you work this weekend? we could get a whole bunch of ice cream and chick flicks or talk or something fun...let me know :)

Tim Parenti said...

Good Lord, Laurel, I didn't say you had to itemize every single cup of coffee! That list would be pages long by December! (Although it seems the goal is to keep the list relatively short.)

I do, however, like the idea of breaking down the cups by type, i.e., as of 7 January:
-2 Caramel Latté
-2 Caramel Macchiato

Good luck!