So, I realized that I cry quite often. I usually take it to be just because I'm a girl, or because I'm under stress. But, I've realized that I cry quite a lot. So I'm setting a goal for myself not to cry for a whole month. To some people I'm sure this seems know...the people that never ever cry. So I think this will be difficult especially with things like homecoming tomorrow, but who knows.
I'm going to try.
haha it's okay!! don't suppress your feelings, you will then become emotionally unhealthy and you will lower your immune system and leave yourself open to terrible illnesses like the avian flu.
this is what being enrolled in too many health classes this semester has done to my brain!
ahhhh! i'm fried.
but seriously, be you! you're great!
Whilst it is indeed good that you're trying to control your emotions, don't go overboard; as Gabrièlle said, it's not healthy.
Being able to feel sad without necessarily turning the faucets on high is probably good, but you still need to be able to do it when something really awful happens, otherwise you'll have no release and resort to serial killing or something like that.
Whoa. I just got a weird visual of happy, bouncy Laurel wielding a bloody dagger; please don't go there. ;)
But anyway, I can tell you from experience that, at times, the fast pace of college life has kept me from crying when I otherwise would. It's as though my body knows I have things to be doing, so a pity session, no matter how quick, is prohibited.
It sucks. But exercising control over your emotions is good in moderation.
I should write my own post about this rather than cluttering your blog with an interminably long comment.
P.S.: Congratulations to your 5,000th visitor, whom from context clues in the logs, is likely Jana. She visited at 11:38 EDT on Wednesday 10 October.
haha....i read tim's comment. annnnd i agree! college keeps people from being emotional--happy or sad. you get really excited or depressed about something and then it's like "oh, i have a class in a half hour....gotta run" and you totally lose track of your emotion.
bottom line = college is so bad for you. haha oops.
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