Sunday, October 07, 2007

Homecoming Queen

The Votes are in!
And tonight at the Powderpuff game the 15 girls...and slightly less guys nominated for Homecoming court came on to the field. Our names were read and we were each given a red carnation.
Then the announcements were made.
And I...
NOT in the top 5 ... :-(
It made me sad. I didn't know if I had a chance at all, but I had hoped. Oh well....

Wishing Hoping Dreaming Praying


Tim Parenti said...

Oh, Laurel, you sure know how to write an anticlimactic post!

But winning isn't everything. You've already won the "greatest cousin" award in my book; surely that more special than a silly homecoming queen... ;)

x said...

noooo :(
i wanted you to be it too!! but that's can be the homecoming queen in my book. or well, princess, because we already decided that "queen" is too maitronly and princess is cute and fun.
besides, there weren't DISNEY QUEENS, there were in fact DISNEY PRINCESSES.

done deal.
have a good week anyway:)

Anonymous said...

What an honor to be in the 15! I don't think I would have been in the top 15 in my high school days and there were WAY less girls to begin with! :>)

You are a beautiful princess to me!