Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What You See is What You Get

Alright, I am going to have another post on a popular cliche, if you recall, my last one was about the phrase "There are Two Types of People in the World...". Well this one is about the phrase "What You See is What You Get."

Now, really this isn't too bad of a phrase, in some cases it can be very useful, for example when you are purchasing something, What You See can be all you are going to get. But when this is used to describe people that is just silly.

It doesn't matter how much a person says 'What you see is what you get', it doesn't matter how much they say they act like the real them, or how much the really do act like the real them. There is always more to a person than what meets the eye.

I'll use myself as an example:

If you just look at me you can tell certain things like that I'm a Christian, but unless you talk to me you won't know how strong of a Christian I am, you won't know if I'm nice unless you talk to me, or see me interacting with others, you won't know I'm a writer unless I tell you or if you see what I write, you won't always know how I feel. I don't let on if I'm mad, one can normally tell if i'm upset, and if you ask my family they will say that my emotions are easy to read, but thats only because they know me, I don't like letting people know when I'm upset, or angry, a lot of people don't.

A lot of people, no matter what they say, have a backstory that affects how they act, and everyone acts differently when they are with someone one on one than when they are in a group, whether that is a good thing a bad thing, or neither, it definitely is the same for everyone.

My view is that if someone says "What you see is what you get" they really mean, "If you don't take the time to get to know me this is what you get, If you take the time, and if I like you, you will see the true me."

No one is the same on the surface as they are deep inside, it's impossible to see everything without getting to know the person.

Luv ya all!

1 comment:

Lexi Elizabeth said...

this reminds me of little miss perfect.