Thursday, May 04, 2006

National Prayer Day

Today is National Prayer Day! To celebrate this special day everyone take 5 minutes to pray! If you don't know what to pray about pray about school, work, your friends, your enemies, and life in general!

5 minutes
4 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
1 minute
Now don't you feel better after talking to God, even for that short amount of time. Now you can imagine how wonderful it must have been for those that were able to take the time out of their days to pray all day long. Happy National Prayer Day!
And keep praying after this day too, prayer isn't for once a year!
God loves you, and so do I,
(I thought that I would add that, incase you haven't realized that after looking at the bottom of every post where I say "Luv ya all!"

Luv ya all!

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