Saturday, February 04, 2006

Chapter 4

Alright, by now you should know how this works, I put links to the other Chapters, and then I post the story...Alright well here we go, Prologue, Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 3.

Chapter 4:

Kaleigh walked slowly up the staircase, reveling in her new life. Each staircase looked the same as the last, and if it hadn’t been for the room numbers starting with the number of the floor on each door she would have lost count a while back. When she reached the sixth floor she looked down the hall, there was thin, worn, blue carpeting on the floor and cobwebs had formed in the corners of the ceiling. Walking to the left Kaleigh passed a few doors before she reached her own, she hesitated bracing herself for the worst, finally she turned the door knob and entered. The room had the same thin blue carpet as the hallway though it wasn’t as worn, a wooden coat-rack hung from the wall to the right by the door, to the left was a door that led to a bathroom. After the bathroom door there was a closet. Past the closet door the room opened up a bit more, on the right wall in the corner there was a bunk bed with sheets all curled up at the bottom unmade, this was where Emily and Amber slept, opposite the bunk bed on the left wall was a single bed with a stack of sheets and a pillow at the end of it. Kaleigh’s suitcases sat next to this bed. In between the two beds were two desks, these were cluttered with schoolbooks, papers, folders, and little knick-knacks; another desk sat at the foot of Kaleigh’s bed against the wall, this desk held a neat stack of schoolbooks, a stack of paper, and a stack of multicolored folders for her classes, no knick-knacks, no sense of loving. Kaleigh set the folder Dani had given her on the desk and went to sit on her unmade bed.
Laying down Kaleigh stared at the ceiling; it was unpainted, as were the walls, dull, boring, unwelcoming. Sitting up Kaleigh walked over to the closet, upon opening it she found that it was divided into three vertical sections, two were filled the third was empty, Kaleigh dragged the suitcase containing her clothes over to the closet and started setting her outfits on the shelves. This did not take very long as she didn’t have many outfits. She pushed that suitcase under her bed and then sat on the floor in a daze staring at the other two suitcases and her traveling bag, which were still shut. After a while she sighed and pushed those under her bed too, they could wait for later. Looking up at the clock on the wall she saw that it was nearly 2:10, thinking that her roommates might show up soon Kaleigh decided to make her bed, the sheets were a generic beige color, plain, no frills, the modesty of the orphanage depressed Kaleigh to no end, one frivolity would have been a hopeful sign but there was nothing. One tear hit the ground as Kaleigh pulled a traveling bag out from under her bed, opened it up and pulled out a small black pillow. The pillow was black, with embroidered red letters that read:

Remember this, I love you now, and I always will!

It was so simple and yet Kaleigh loved, and cherished it beyond belief, it was one of the last presents Alexa had given her. Alexa had made it and given it to Kaleigh with much love. Kaleigh set this pillow on top of the dull beige pillow given to her by the orphanage. The affect was very small but it did some to cheer Kaleigh up, though you wouldn’t realize that she was cheered up, since tears were running down her cheeks.
Kaleigh sat on her bed trying to gain her composure, when the twins walked in, they were talking animatedly to each other and did not say a word to Kaleigh as they set down their Science items, and grabbed their items for English. On the way out Emily gave Kaleigh a look that almost seemed to say ‘why are you here’ but it was a fleeting look that lasted too little time to tell a clear meaning. Sitting on her bed she sighed; the downfall, she decided, to not having classes is that nothing was distracting her from her thoughts. Deciding that she needed something to get her away from her thoughts of dread and sorrow and worry over her sister, Kaleigh stood up, left her room to go to explore. The first place on her list to explore was one of her mothers favorite types of places…the library.

Luv ya all!

1 comment:

Lexi Elizabeth said...

you better not have her living with meanie girls! that would be horrible!
the library....i <3 the library. :-P but sometimes it's too quiet there. haha. i like the pillow. that's cute.