Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Elusive Building Five

At my school, (as most of you know...but not all of you so I shall explain anyways), there are 8 buildings.

Building 1= Freshman Homerooms, Science, Health
Building 2= Sophomore Homerooms, Foreign Language, History, Computer Classes
Building 3= Junior Homerooms, Math, Computer Classes, (and for a few weird people even English)
Building 4= Senior Homerooms, English, Writing
Building 5= Tech' and 'Shop'? (I guess, not really quite sure...[and of course 'Shop' meaning woodshop or metalshop...not shopping lol])
Building 6= Gym, Advanced Health
Building 7= Cafeteria, Music
Building 8= Library

These buildings are in no way connected, to get to each class you exit the building and walk to the next. This becomes difficult with snow, rain, ice and whatnot. During my freshman year I entered every building numerous times....except for building 5 which I did not enter until Thursday January 26, 2006. I looked at my schedule for the second semester and realized I HAVE A CLASS IN BUILDING 5! I panicked for a bit...I didn't even know how to get into building 5.

Not a lot of people ever enter building 5, I asked some of my friends and thankfully I found about 3-4 people whom actually had classes in that building and they gave me directions on how to get to my classroom.... Perhaps needless to say when I found the doors to the building and entered all my directions were forgotten, I sort of just stopped and stared around me.... Building 5 is a scary building. I started walking slowly....(which is odd for me) and eventually I found the classroom. Now you may be wondering what class I took that is in the 'Tech' and 'Shop' building. I'm taking Intro to Graphic Communications. This class deals a lot wiht using computers for graphic designs and it also is a photography class. The photography section is why, at least I think why, this class is in Building 5. We develop the do that you need a darkroom. Building 5 has a darkroom, so there you go. Anyways now the elusiveness of Building 5 has faded a bit...but I still think it is a scary building!

Luv ya all!


Tim Parenti said...

Aw, poor Laurel!

Lexi Elizabeth said...

you have a building 5 class with a friend of mine. perhaps you have heard of him...jay benze. :-P he's a cool guy.

Miles C. said...

Yeah, that building is pretty scary. I had no idea what I was doing too!