So I should have posted this a while ago but hey, I'm in college now, I'm busy. So I went through sorority rush this fall...which in case you wanted to know is a semi-stressful, but very worthwhile process. And after attending many parties and dressing up and talking to lots of girls for hours on end. I have been accepted in Kappa Delta sorority.
For those of you who do not know Kappa Delta is the sorority that my mother was in as well as my one aunt. I was extremely happy to be accepted. Though I am not fully initiated yet. There is a several week long period during which we learn about the history of the sorority and attend meetings and rituals before we are fully initiated and can truly call ourselves KΔ's until then we are just KD's.
So I'm going through the very fun process of meeting the other Kappa Delta's and joining in with them. I LOVE it! I am going to have so much fun next year living in the Kappa Delta house.
So two really big things are coming up in sorority life. This Thursday is our Big Sis reveal. Every new girl is given an older girl as their big sister, and we become their little sister. They shower us with gifts that all say KΔ on them and we hang out with them lots and we become part of their family. So you then not only have a big sis but her big sis becomes your grand big...and then great grand big...and so on. It is a very exciting time!
Then on November 9th we will be initiated into the sorority!!
I <3 sororities:D I want to be in one so bad. Laurel you are so lucky:p
Ooh, you don't know your big sister yet? That's a sort of exciting way to do things....
prizies - these CAPTCHAs are getting more and more word-like every day.
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