Saturday, February 02, 2008

Crazy Drivers

I had a very scary encounter today while I was driving. I almost don't want to drive ever again...but I'll have I'll get over it.
But I was driving past the mall and I was at a red light. The light turned green and I went. The car zoomed past me in the next lane then cut in front of me. This would be fine except the car slammed to a stop which means that I had to slam to a stop. I stopped in time but it was very close, it was almost as if they wanted me to crash into them. Then they cut in front of someone else in the lane they had just been in. I started going again and then I saw that they were giving me the finger, they rolled down the window, and then so did Jaime, who was in the passenger side of my car.
We passed them and they were screaming at us "you almost crashed into us" and the light turned red so we stopped. The people in the other car were screaming obsenities at us, it was so ridiculous. I was so freaked out about almost crashign into them, even though it was obviously their own fault. Jaime heard what they were saying and got out of the car, the people in the other car were just laughing at this point, Jaime went over and yelled "Whats your problem" to the people. (These two people were two teens a girl and a guy). They rolled up the window and Jaime banged his hand against it, not hard, but just enough to scare them a bit, then he came back in the car. I was yelling at him to get back. He got in and was buckled and then the light changed, he told me to turn into the mall parking lot and so I did. The other car followed me. At this point I was very afraid. I thought that they were just going to follow me until we stopped and got out and then they would make trouble.
Instead they got their phone out and called the police and told them the license number. When Jaime and I got wherewe were going I called my parents to give them the heads up in case the police were to call. Later that night my mom called and said the police had called them. The police told my mom that the other drivers claimed I had missed a stop sign, almost crashed into them and that Jaime got out and then banged on their window yelling at them. What a story. So Jaime was told to call the police back. He did so and cleared it up with the police. They told him next time to stay in the car.
In the end it was alright but I was so afraid! I couldn't drive right the rest of the time! It was so scary. I don't know what they thought they were doing.
Oh well...

Love Because You Are Loved


x said...

aww laurel! and you're a new driver too...that's traumatic :(
i can't believe THEY called the police. how immature. well i'm glad you are all okay and safe...but the best thing you can do is to drive again--soon...don't freak yourself out! :)

Lexi Elizabeth said...

it's a good thing jaime's anger management problems didn't make anything worse....oh wait...oh well. at least no one, in the end, got hurt?

i hate stupid drivers and their stupid ways of handling their mistakes. they should've realized that they cut you off and they should be lucky you didn't actually crash into them.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there are people out there that TRY to get hit from behind and claim "whiplash" injuries to get the insurance Co. to pay them. I'm just glad you were able to stop in time

Grandpa B.

Tim Parenti said...

Not that I've had anywhere near as scary an experience, but I think we can agree that it is quite horrible when something stressful happens while driving. It messes with your mind for the rest of the voyage.

Glad everything turned out okay, and just think... chances are you won't encounter anything similar any time soon!