I realized partway through that this is a very difficult topic to organize because it all sort of relates. I also noticed that I began by listing common beliefs then disproving them one at a time, then I got to one and my disproving really encompassed everything else. I'm not sure this post that you are currently reading is making any sense to you at all, because you do not know the instances that I am speaking about.
Now I'm considering several things. I may just finish writing my original post and put it on the site with bad organization and all.
I may break the post up into two or three posts, with each post discussing a different issue and my reasoning.
Or, I may write two posts; one describing the different beliefs and one with all my reasons for not believing them. This is the most likely situation. I think it will keep things better organized.
I do, however, promise my readers that this shall be one of my most worthwhile posts to read. It is far more important than most of the petty things going on in my life. And do not for a moment believe that this will be a political rant. I know that is most of the thought when Capital Punishment and Abortion are brought up.
Anyways, expect that post soon. Thank you!
Will read readily. Good luck!
can't wait! i did my senior thesis in high school on abortion...it was really gross and sad! :(
anyway, good luck! :)
i missed you in church today! i should've gone to the moveable feast because chances are you would've been there working! :(
have a good week!!!
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