While I was on my college visits I was looking through my planner. I was flipping through and looking at all the holidays that they included. They included interesting ones like Childrens Day' (October 14th) and 'Grandparents Day' (September 9th).
There were also some funny ones like 'Spaghetti Day' (January 4th) 'Unofficial National Popcorn Day' (January 19th)
There were some Patriotic ones like 'Human Rights Day' (December 10th) and 'National Religious Freedom Day' (January 16th).
But out of all the days that they specificaly mention on this planner there was one that made me very excited. There was one day that I knew I must follow. That day is January 11th.
Everyone that is friends with me must beware that day.
January 11th is 'National Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friend Day'.
How exciting does that sound!
So beware Friday January 11th!
...hoping to dry weather on january 11th :-P
and if it rains....laurel you're gonna be the one running.
I was born on Spaghetti Day?!? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS?!?!?
It crossed my mind that the makers of your planner simply made this up, but alas, it has been confirmed.
Good thing my family's half-Italian.
P.S.: 09 February is National Bagels and Lox Day as well as something I'm celebrating now, Toothache Day.
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