Friday, January 19, 2007

Valentines Day

Yes, I do know that Valentines Day isn't even very soon. Yes, I do know that it probably seems ridiculous to be posting about Valentines Day now. But I was just talking to Chris and I really must share this story.

Chris and I were talking about presents and he was telling me that he isn't sure what he's getting me, he has it narrowed down to 4 gifts. He decided on at least 2 for my birthday but he still wanted to get me the other gifts. So I mentioned that he could give me one on Valentines Day if he really wants to give it to me. This is the conversation that followed:

Me: how about save one for valentines day
Chris: Oh
Chris: When is that?

At this point in the conversation I figured that I must have misunderstood him. He couldn't have been asking when Valentines Day is. That would be ridiculous. Then the conversation continued:

Me: ....valentines day? its february 14th babe, like every other year
Chris: Lol i dont know these things.

He has had how many girlfriends over his lifetime? And how many school parties? And he doesn't know when Valentines Day is?!!!

Well I decided to tell Bob about how Chris didn't know but first I thought I would ask Bob. So I asked him...

Me: What date is Valentines Day
Bob: lol no clue
Me: what!
Me: like not the day of the week
Bob: feb 17th?
I was amazed! That is incredible that two of my closest male friends did not know when Valentines Day is. I questioned Tim and Jay and they both knew.... Oh well, I suppose it isn't the most important holiday. Chris and I didn't celebrate last year. So now test all the guys you know, Do they know the date without looking?
Loving Everyone Always Forever


Tim Parenti said...

I have had three girlfriends in my lifetime, depending on how you count things, and yet I've never been in a relationship on 14 February of any year. So I can understand why it's a nonevent for people.

Lexi Elizabeth said...

i know when it is!