Friday, July 28, 2006


I thought that visiting OSU might make my college decision easier...but it certainly did not. I now have three colleges that I really like MSU, PSU, and OSU. That is just the order I visited them, not the order in which I like them. If I had to put them in such an order, they would all be on top of each other. I have no clue what college I like the best.

I visited OSU on Thursday, I went to a campus tour, and then I had a meeting with a woman about Hospitality Management. It was so different from the other two schools, but not necessarily better. But apart from making my decision a zillion times more difficult, the trip was also lots of fun.

On the way home we stopped at the Longaberger basket company homestead. It was great, they have a place where you can make a basket. It was lots of fun, I made one, you start by picking the type of basket, and then you pick these little metal shapes to put over the tacks that hold the basket together, (I chose hearts) then you pick out a color to be wrapped around the top, (I chose red), then a professional shows you how to put together the bottom three rows, and then you get to put the rest of it together, putting each piece of wood in, and then hammering the tacks in, last the professional puts on the handles. It is a difficult task, I was very slow, I give a lot of credit to people that make them so well, and sooo quickly.

My basket looks beautiful, I am very proud of it! I recommend that everyone should go to the Longaberger basket homestead in Ohio, and make a basket. After I was finished they told me not to put anything in it for 3 days, that way it can dry properly because the wood is slightly damp when you use it. I made the basket on Thursday. So I was sitting in the car and I said "So, today is thursday so friday, monday, tuesday; and then I can use it on Wednesday." My dad looked at me laughing and said "Saturday and Sunday?" I burst out laughing. I guess weekends do count in matters such as drying baskets lol.

So in conclusion, it was lots of fun, I must be blonde, and my college decision is not any easier.

Luv ya all!


Lexi Elizabeth said...

i'm never going to be able to pick a college i like. that's why it would be pointless for me to go visit colleges. although, next college you go visit, take me, so that i can maybe feel like i'm doing something towards my college education? haha.

Tim Parenti said...

Wow. You must somewhat be blonde. But, of course, you're sitting right behind me, and you're totally not!

And Laurel, today is Monday. Which means yesterday was not Friday, but Sunday. So there.

Anonymous said...

well if u got to psu then maybe we can be together. and my timmy bear is given me a hard time. but i do like rmu and its kinda close to My timmy beaar. but my collage list is longer than urs

Love Megz

Tim Parenti said...