Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Randomness of Two Teenage Girls

So Andrea and I are talking, (you can tell that is dangerous already),we've been talking for over an hour, plotting against you all grrrr...

I feel like a stereotypical girl, because I hardly ever talk on the phone, except with Chris, and so I got home from youth group and my mom said Andrea had called, and so I assumed it was something important...and I was right (since when is just wanting to talk not important) so we started talking, random stuff, you all know us enough to know that...we talked about Jay, we talked about Chris, we talked about Yearbook, we talked about being psychic, and food, and southern people, and how we are so amazing and perfect (anyone that hears us and doesnt know us would think we were serious and really self-centered, but we aren't serious...and I don't think either of us is self-centered....does it make me self-centered to think that I'm not self-centered...?)

So yeah, and we talked about a lot of other things...random stuff, not just random but pointless things...below are some quotes from the conversation:

Andrea-"I wish I were a little kid from the south...I'd be like 'Y'all'"
Andrea- "I'm meaner and cuter"
Laurel- " No I'm meaner and cuter"
Both- "How about I'm cuter and your meaner" (laughter)
Andrea- "Ok, how about 50-50
Laurel- "Ok"
Andrea- "No you were supposed to say how about 80-20....99-1"
Laurel- (laughter) "but then I would say 1-99 and you would say ok'
Both laughing
Laurel- "and then I would be like 'what about the 20-80...and then back to 50-50"
Andrea- "I would say there is no one more random than us but there probably is...but not very far off."
Andrea-"I'm psychic,"
Laurel-"Andrea you'll never guess where my feet are"
Andrea-"on the couch"
Andrea-"on the floor"
Laurel- "no"
Andrea-"on your head..."
Laurel- "no"
Andrea-"on your sisters"
Laurel-" they are on a ball"
Andrea-"the ball is going to smell your feet and then be like eww i'm running away,"
Laurel-"well its not doing that ...maybe my feet smell good..."
(Andrea laughing...and laughing...and laughing)
Laurel- " wasn't that funny"
Laurel-"and then you see a chinese guy pop up on the TV screen saying "Who is Andrea"...except it would be in chinese"
I'm sure there is more I want to say...but I can't think of anythign else
Luv ya all!


Lexi Elizabeth said...

none of that


Tim Parenti said...

Oh, quit denying it; you know you did...

But, anyways, I thought I was supposed to write about randomness. Maybe I'll write about you more often...

Tim Parenti said...

By the way, congratulations on your 2,000th hit from Colombia at 21:49 ET on 1 June!