Friday, July 15, 2005


I just finished reading all of my friend's blogs, after reading my friend Craig's post entitled "Life", I found it a bit inaccurate. Now, Craig and I, while we are friends, we disagree on many issues, that may partly come from the fact that I am a christian and he is an athiest. In Craig's post he writes "...The meaning of life is (drum roll please) contentment. Or happiness. Or utter joy, inner peace, knowing that life could not be any better. That's the one thing (if you can call it one thing) that everybody can agree is worth striving for. That's the only thing that encompasses anything that anybody can strive for....." Here is where I find problem number one. The definition to contentment (according to is this: contentment- The state of being contented; satisfaction. Now alright suppose that the second part of the quote is right, maybe contentment is what everyone strives for, but no one in their right mind, could ever find contentment. Because to achieve contentment one must be satisfied that they have accomplished everything that they would like done.

You cannot tell me that every person on this earth does not have at least one problem with the way this world works. You can't tell me that you are content when you see people dying of starvation, or cancer, or other preventable deaths! You can't tell me you are content when American soldiers are fighting a war! If you are a christian you can't tell me that you are content with all the people who are dying that will not go to heaven, all the people that die that haven't even had a chance because they have never heard the truth about the one and only God, our savior. You can't tell me that you are content with the way this world is run. With all the anger, spite, envy, hatred, sadness, corruption, and evil in this world if you are sitting there thinking that you are content than you must not be alive. For any person alive must see a problem with the world that could be fixed, that they could fix. In this world contentment is out of our reach. The way I see it, (obviously viewing this from a christian point of view) if God isn't content than I shouldn't be either, and I don't think God is content with the fact that only 10% percent of the world as of 1993 know him, and love him, and would do anything in their power to do his will.

Now for all of those athiests reading this, here is what I have to say to you, I love you but you are scaring me, for those who are atheist because they think that christians have no fun, you can't look at me and say I'm not having fun, and for those who don't believe in God because they like to think that they alone are in control of their lives I'll tell you this, It's a lot easier going through life with the help of God, without him you are stumbling around in the darkness. For all of you who have found "contentment" look at the world, and if you can still say you are content then you must be a heartless, cruel, being, with no emotion towards another. And for that I am sorry. If you can prove me wrong then I shall delete this post, or at least write another correcting myself, but be warned that it would take a strong individual to persuade me of this.

Luv ya all!


Miles C. said...

You two are making my head hurt...

Tim Parenti said...

I would be inclined to say that a life with Jesus Christ would be contentment enough for me...

Laurel said...

Fair point TJ fair point, but I'm still sticking with my theory.
Luv ya all!

Lexi Elizabeth said...

your post just confused me.

Tim Parenti said...

LOL. Yes, sometimes I notice I get into conversations with Craig that are on a much higher level than anyone within a 5-lunchtable radius can begin to comprehend. Occasionally I regret even starting the conversation, and look around for someone to help me get out of it (but, like I said, that's usually no one).

An additional note to Craig, though: The route you took to mention that love is a way to achieve contentment does seem to at least imply (wrongly or not) that you believe it is the only way. Or at least that's what I got from it.